PUNKTOPIA AND MJ PRES.: Total Chaos / Acidez / The Soundheads

25.06. total chaos

PUNKTOPIA AND MJ PRESENTS: Total Chaos / Acidez / The Soundheads on 26.06.24 at The Loft Vienna *************** TOTAL CHAOShttps://www.facebook.com/totalchaospunx (Los Angeles / USA / Hardcore Punk) Founded in 1989, Total Chaos is a leading band of the international punk rock movement. With more than 10 records, a signature on labels such as Epitath Records, […]

Loftival hosted by SBÄM: Yokohomo, Bezzer Weezer, Punk Rock Singalong

loft social post 04 2024 loftival 03 04

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Wiener Kulturservice und der Stadt Wien präsentieren wir euch beim Loftival heimische KünstlerInnen bei freiem Eintritt.  Eintritt: Frei Einlass Café: 19:00 Einlass Unten: 19:30 Yokohomo: 20:00 Bezzer Weezer: 21:00 Punk Rock Singalong: 22:15 Yokohomo „You were louder than the main act. I like it!“ – Captain Sensible, The Damned (Main Act […]